Our Latest Annual Review

Our latest annual report is designed to provide transparency, accountability, and insights into our business strategies, achievements, and future outlook.

As a corporate business we are held accountable for our actions and we take this responsibility very seriously.

These responsibilities run through three of our four core values as a business: 

  • leading for sustainability
  • developing employee talent
  • respecting diversity and teamwork
  • delivery on every commitment

We strive to embed the highest standards of sustainable, ethical and good conduct deep in our culture, in our behaviors and practices.

It means we can and must always do better. Every year!

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2023 Report Highlights


Supplier Code of Conduct

Annual Report | Norican Group
Annual Review | Norican Group

Renewable Electricity at our Facilities

Renewable Energy | Norican Group
Renewable Energy | Norican Group
Renewable Energy | Norican Group

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

 Science Based Targets | Norican Group Science Based Targets | Norican Group 
 We commit to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse gas emissions 50.4% by 2032 from a 2021 base year

Our scope 3 goal is that 70% of our customers by emissions covering use of sold products, will have science-based targets by 2027.* 

*Our scope 3 goal is that 70% of our customers by emissions covering use of sold products, will have science-based targets by 2027. The green part of the bar reflects the percentage of committed customers related to the total scope 3 emissions. Our scope 3 emissions are directly related to sales and the energy intensity in the countries where the sales happen. Therefore, an increase in tco2e can occur when sales increase in energy intensive countries.


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