Introduction from Norican CEO:
Anders Wilhjelm
Anders Wilhjelm
Norican’s Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets the standard of behavior we expect from all Norican employees. The decisions we make impact all of us, and we are all responsible for creating a culture where it is the norm to do the right thing, and where we take personal responsibility for our actions.
We are one global team respecting and enjoying local differences. We each take pride in acting as an owner of Norican, and being a good owner also requires being responsible corporate citizens. As responsible corporate citizens, we will play our part in leaving the planet in a better condition than when we inherited it. Playing our part also means making ourselves, but also our customers, better so we all can sustainably reduce waste and consumption, whilst always improving efficiency.
We do this by having outstanding technologies, products and services, a global and local infrastructure, combined with a humility to always strive to do better and to do more. We believe in equal opportunity and in diversity as drivers of good, and that being a good corporate citizen is an essential part of being an attractive company for all our stakeholders.